Many mothers and fathers are concerned and confused by their child’s academic performance. Their child puts in the same amount of time and effort as peers and siblings, but achieves far lower grades. Parents wonder, “Does my child have a learning problem or is this a maturity issue? Am I denying or minimizing the subtle cues of learning differences and creating more difficulty for my child?”
Take a good look. Learning differences and attention problems are not confined to the classroom or homework, they are all around. Attention problems can be more subtle than professional literature and media discourse would lead one to believe. If you recognize the behaviors mentioned below and wonder if your child has a learning or attention disorder, or have received a diagnosis, but do not know how to help your child, then please give our office a call. We can help.
Disabilities, Problems and Disorders. How do You Know?
Learning Disabilities, Attention Problems, and Autism Spectrum Disorders present in different ways. The variety stumps many professionals and confuses parents. Though psycho-educational and neuro-psychological tests are needed, they do not specify the best remedy for the problems as presented in social and cognitive spheres. Our tester offers the full battery of testing and Dr. Shumsky tailors a program of services specifically to the child’s needs. For more than 25 years, our customized solutions have dramatically improved esteem and results for students with diagnosed difficulties from Houston, all over the U.S., and internationally.
The following are observed by parents yet often interpreted incorrectly. Parents see these behaviors as the child’s lack of effort or his or her not ‘getting it.’ Often parents surmise further that the child could be helped by regular visits with the teacher. Some parents are quick to hire tutors, but the symptoms do not go away. Quite often, the problem is that the teacher or tutor lacks the understanding and sophistication to appropriately teach the material in a form that is easily understood by the student. Further, most students do not know how to read a textbook effectively.
Here is what you may observe in your child.
- Difficulty discriminating essential from inessential details when reading texts
- Struggles with connecting details to concepts and concepts to other concepts
- Trouble reading for meaning rather than picking out details
- Confusion with figurative language – metaphor and analogy
- Unable to break longer passages into smaller chunks of information
- Failure to process and order large volumes of information for mid-term or final exams
- While speaking, one topic begins, but another comes forth before the first is finished
- Consistent distraction, restlessness, and lack of finishing tasks as they are due
- Forgetting homework and failing to turn in completed homework
- Not understanding common communication, not being able to sustain a conversation, and seemingly being off in a different world rather than participating in ordinary and obvious routines
The Shumsky Advantage
We do not work in generalities. Our work is specific to the child’s problems and recognizes both the strengths and weaknesses of the child’s work, attitude, and reasoning. Retained understanding of concepts and the relating of one concept to another is our focus. Using a refined set of custom methods, we train students to understand figurative and contextual language, to write concisely and interestingly to unknown readers, and to decipher the logic of a textbook.
We do not separate the individual from his/her school work. We stress accountability for planning and setting goals as well as completing them. Work and personal responsibility go hand-in-hand.
Our Services
- Initial consultation with Dr. Shumsky, an expert in learning disabilities, attention problems, and Austism Spectrum disorders. Formerly, he was a professor of Cognitive Science at Northwestern University and the University of Virginia.
- Meta-cognition: “Learning to Learn Program: Study methods and Skills”
- Student Independence Program – Tools and methods to plan and track goals and be accountable; developing a program of self-care: routines, habits, and states of mind that lead to well-being and productive outcomes
- Psycho-educational assessment, analysis of assessment results, and assistance with acquiring accommodations at school and on standardized tests
- Placement in local and boarding schools
- College Admission Consulting and learning support plans
- Referral to trusted professionals
- Customized one-to-one tutoring by Dr. Shumsky’s assistants
For more than 25 years, our services have had a dramatic impact on students with learning and attentional problems and Austism Spectrum Disorders. We have helped our clients make huge strides in school performance, self-esteem, and social engagement. Because of our wide range of expertise and services, we can help your son or daughter like no other firm. Media outlets like The New York Times turn to Dr. Shumsky for expert commentary on issues of education, cognition, and special needs. Clients from Houston and all over the globe rely on Dr. Shumsky to guide their children and family through the challenges that learning, attention and Autism Spectrum disorders present.
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Call us today to get the expert support that your son or daughter must have at 713-784-6610.