The most crucial achievement a teenager can obtain is mastery of the skills that foster independence, self-motivation, and productivity. Too frequently teens and families find themselves engrossed in conflicts regarding unfinished assignments, lower than expected academic performance, lack of motivation, immaturity, and distractions such as Iphones, Ipads, and Video Games. In many families, parents and children simply accept this status quo and avoid the topics of conflict. Fortunately, there is a better solution.
Every teenager can become the confident, mature, and independent young adult that he or she and parents expect. The Teen Independence Program has transformed the lives of hundreds of students over the last decade, changing students from under-achievers to productive and responsible young adults. Academic performance coaching will launch your child into success in high school, college, and beyond.
Your Child Can Master These Skills For The Future
You may chuckle at the thought, but your son or daughter can gain mastery of the skills that comprise true independence. He or she can be productive, organized, responsible, and engaged in pursuits that satisfy. Our Teen Independence Program gives high school and middle school students the tools and methods to plan and track goals so as to hold themself accountable to obligations and desired results in academic, extra-curricular, and emotional spheres.
Each week, we record, plan, and track all school assignments and obligations and block off time for social life, fun, and relaxation. We review the previous week’s plan and track the student’s progress. Looking very closely at where a student spent his or her time, we search for insights and areas to improve and refine. Which tasks were completed? Which were not? What behaviors supported success? Which obstacles stood in our way? What are the lessons we can take away? We keep the cycle of productivity spinning with honest rapport, compassionate support, and awareness on what works and what does not.
In addition, we give students a simple tool for keeping themselves on track with productive and healthy routines, feelings, and states of mind. Finally, we use a trusted career assessment tool to inform using insights about personality and interests, learning and work-style preferences, and ways to increase satisfaction and effectiveness.
Helpful Tools And Lots of Compassionate Support and Accountability
Besides the helpful tools, our teenage clients treasure the trust and support they receive from their coach, Hayden Shumsky. A stable and compassionate adult support outside of the context of school and family allows teens to talk and think through important questions about habits, aspirations, goals, and overall well-being. And with The Teen Independence Program, teenagers do not feel the stigma of psycho-therapeutic or diagnostic work.
Get your high school or middle school-aged child the help he or she needs to become an independent and productive young adult. We can teach the crucial skills of time management, decision-making, accountability, and self-inquiry to your son or daughter, as we have with hundreds of other teenagers. With supportive guidance from Hayden Shumsky, your child can discover the satisfaction of successfully fulfilling goals, aspirations, and responsibilities.
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Call us today to get your son or daughter started on the path to success in school, college, and beyond, at 713-784-6610.