Is your child ready for application season?
11th grade closes soon and college application season looms on the near horizon. Your family will be making extremely important decisions over the next year and the best decisions are made when families are well-prepared. Please do not join the ranks of stressed, rushed, and misguided families and students who create hasty college applications and are thus disappointed at college acceptance time. Ask your son or daughter about the following and make an honest judgment about his or her college plans. Is he or she prepared and on-schedule?
Has your son or daughter completed the following?
• Identified the final list of 6-10 colleges to apply to, with a minimum of two schools where the student is very likely to be admitted and two more where the student is in the median of who was accepted last year?
• Acquired the target score on the SAT or ACT?
• Received acknowledgments from a minimum of two teachers from core academic subjects regarding recommendation letters?
• Completed a final resume draft?
• Clarified the topics of main application essays which summarize the student’s key traits, experiences, and perspectives and catch the eye of admissions staff?
• Established Plans A, B, and C for prospective college majors and study paths?
• Planned summer activities which will stand out on the student’s application and increase the student’s chances of acceptance?
• Made visits and interview appointments with all colleges he or she will apply to?
If your child has not completed the above steps, then your child is not ready and needs immediate assistance.