How to Choose Colleges for Your Child, Lingering Underemployment for Recent College Graduates

In our latest newsletter, Dr. Shumsky advises families on the important questions to ask before choosing colleges. In addition, we cover the latest data from the U.S. Department of Labor on employer demand for college educated labor (it’s way up) and outcomes for recent college graduates across selected majors. In short, underemployment for recent college graduates, defined by the Department of Labor as working in a job that does not require college education, is still widespread some eight years after The Great Recession. Underemployment for recent college graduates is hovering around 50%. Finally, we cover the poor performance of local universities in terms of 4-year and 6-year graduation rates. Popular local choices like Texas Tech, LSU, and Ole Miss are failing to graduate students in a timely fashion. All of the aforementioned graduate less than 66% of students after 6 years of enrollment.

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March 2016 College Admissions Clinic News

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